Cervical Cancer Screening & Training Provided for Parkinson’s Patients
September 3, 2024 – The #Parkinson Patients Support Organization in Ethiopia, in collaboration with Wings of Healing, offered training and screening services specifically for #Parkinson’s patients and their caregivers.
Cervical #cancer poses a risk to all women, underscoring the importance of this initiative. Parkinson’s patients and caregivers may be particularly vulnerable as they might prioritize managing #Parkinson’s disease over other health concerns.
The training and screening event reached 33 patients and caregivers, offering medical services and examinations to those who showed signs of cervical disease.
It is recommended that all #women undergo cervical cancer screening at least once every three years. To ensure ongoing health and early detection, the #organization plans to strengthen these training and screening efforts.
ነሀሴ 28፣ 2026 ፓርኪንሰን ፔሸንትስ ሰፖርት ኦርጋናይዜሽን #ኢትዮጵያ ዊንግስ ኦፍ ሂሊንግ ጋር በመተባበር ለፓርኪንሰን ህሙማንና አስታማሚዎች #የስልጠናና ምርመራ አገልግሎት ተሰጥቷቸዋል፡፡
ሁሉም ሴቶች ለማዕጸን ጫፍ ካንሰር የመጋለጥ እድል ስላላቸው የዚህ ስልጠናና ምርመራ አስፈላጊነት ከፍተኛ ነው፡፡ በተለይም #የፓርኪንሰን ህሙማንና አስታማሚዎች ትኩረታቸው በፓርኪንሰን ህመም ላይ እንዲሁም አስታማሚነት ላይ ብቻ ሊሆን ስለሚችል ለሎሎች በሽታዎች የሚሰጡት ትኩረት አነስተኛ የመሆኑ እድሉ ከፍተኛ ነው፡፡
33 ህሙማንና አስታማሚዎችን ተደራሸ ያደረገው #የስልጠናና የምርመራ ሂደት የበሽታውን ምልክት ለታየባቸው ተሳታፊዎች የህክምና አገልግሎት ተሰጥቷቸዋል፡፡
ሁሉም ሴቶች ቢያንስ በየ 3 አመት አንድ ጊዜ ምርመራ ማድረግ ስለሚገባቸው ይህን #የምርመራና የስልጠና ሂደት ተጠናክሮ የሚቀጥል ይሆናል፡፡